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Earthcare Today from the Presbytery Earth Care Team

EarthCare Resource
Presbytery of Santa Fe
December 2024

This year, we have been focusing our energy to the growing problem of PLASTICS POLLUTION. We have assembled a list of actions individuals in your congregation could take to reduce the plastic residue all around us.
We write to you now, to suggest that you, as a Session, identify one action you can take for and with your congregation.
Click HERE for few highlights of the PBS special, The Problem with Plastics (one of the videos mentioned above). We hope that this will help you brainstorm an action you choose to take.
And we thank you for caring more for the health of Planet Earth. Because in so doing, you are caring more for the health of all of us, especially the children and grandchildren who will follow after us.

INTRODUCING A NEW RESOURCE: is an insightful weekly summary of climate change developments we commend for your review.
REMINDING YOU: we offer a list of suggested EarthCare actions individual members and friends, and groups in your congregation can do.
FINALLY: Does your church have an EarthCare mission team? Is there an individual member who is interested in EarthCare? Would you ask that person’s permission to share his/her email with us? We are PLANNING a SPRING (2025) RETREAT DAY on the WATER challenges here in New Mexico.


If you would like to share a comment or participate in our monthly zoom meetings, please send a note to:  

An urgent call to love God with all our heart, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Loving God requires that we love and care for the creation God has made.
Loving our neighbor requires that we love and care for all our neighbors (two-legged, four-legged, winged, gilled, and pollinators), especially those who suffer most from climate change.


Past Reports and other resources:

Feb 2024 Earthcare Report 

July 2024 Earthcare Report

Earthcare packet from 2023

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Presbytery of Santa Fe

215 Locust St. NE
Albuquerque, NM 87102-3633

(505) 345-5657

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